Louisiana Tech's New Frontiers in Biomedical Research Seminar Series
The New Frontiers in Biomedical Research Seminar Series officially began in the Fall of 2013. Prior to that, a smaller series was organized as a way for faculty and students at Louisiana Tech to meet local researchers. The focus of that first series was on stem cell research and brought in researchers from across the state of Louisiana.
That small series gained a lot of momentum and was so successfu that several groups on campus expressed an interest in supporting a larger series with the goal of brining in nationally recognized researchers to the University. These scientists come to share their work with Tech faculty, students, and the community, establish relationships and collaborations with researchers on campus, and learn about the research and academic programs going on at Louisiana Tech.
The series focuses on Biomedical Research with the intent of demonstrating the broad and interdisciplinary nature of this field of research. Speakers come from areas of engineering, biology, and chemistry, all working towards the fundamental problem of understanding and treating conditions that impact human health. In addition to discussing their research, some of our guests give a separate lecture intended for a general audience. These special lectures are designed to involve and educate the community on research that is relevant to them and what progress is being made to improve diagnostic and treatment options for patients. These community lectures are made possible through the generous support of the Lincoln Health Foundation, a nonprofit that seeks to improve health outcomes for members of the commuity.
Visit the Sponsors page for more information on our sponosors and how you can be involved in supporting the series.