Studio Art & New Frontiers Brochure Cover Collaboration: Week 3
Yesterday we had another meeting with the art class, the last official class we will attend before their final projects are due. It was great to see how much progress had been made and to be able to give the students feedback on accuracy. After we spent some time with them Dr. Guice came by to visit with everyone and see what they were working on. Given everything that is going on these days, it was a tremendous honor that Dr. Guice took time out of his day to visit with the students and learn about the skills they are learning, the product they are creating, and how they feel about working with a client and digital vs. conventional painting. The students did a great job explaining the scientific concept they were illustrating and why they were representing it the way they were. We can’t wait to see the final products! It’s going to be tough to pick the top 4 for the final cover vote.